Minor Enterprise: Stubby Clapp Day Will Be Here Before You Know It

What's coming up in the world of minor league baseball … we proudly present you with Rick Chandler's Minor Enterprise! Does it seem as if Stubby Clapp Day is getting more and more commercialized every year? It used to be all about Stubby Clapp; the former Memphis Redbirds infielder who holds four franchise records. But now it's just about the presents. No other Memphis Redbird has worn No. 10 since Clapp left. In his four years in Memphis, Clapp hit .269 with 87 doubles, 19 triples, 222 walks and 258 runs scored. He holds the career records for doubles, triples, walks and runs. Following the game between Memphis and Omaha there will be an on-field ceremony to retire Clapp's jersey. Fireworks will follow the ceremony. To buy your Stubby 10 Pack or to purchase remai…